Thursday, September 29, 2011

Monkey Chicken!!

What?  You've never heard of the monkey chicken?  Well, truth be told, neither had I until Colin came along.

Of all the English to pick up first....  Ok, let me back up a bit.  So, one of the things that Colin enjoys doing on the computer, (ok, one of the few things we actually allow on the computer at this point) is looking at all of our digital family photos.  He especially gets a kick out of Tommy's baby and toddler pictures.

While we were in China, we learned that Tommy's birth year, 2004, is the year of the Monkey.  Colin had fun teasing Tommy about what a monkey he was. And, let's be honest, it really fits!  So, while we were touring the Imperial Palace in Shenyang, the only snack we had available was.... you guessed it.... a banana!  Here is our little monkey now...

This is the one, however, that has completely changed the Rylands' household dynamic!  Little Tommy had just turned two when he attended a Fall festival at Tom's school.  He went as, well, a CHICKEN!

 So, being good parents, we both went as Chicken Farmers! Isn't that who raises Chickens?  (Once again, I escaped the camera.)

So, now, every opportunity that presents itself, Colin chases Tommy around the house calling him, "Monkey Chicken!"  We have to get our entertainment where we can find it!


Annie said...

Too cute Angie!

Karen Dawkins said...

My daughter, from Guangdong province, was born in 2004. She loves that she was born in the year of the monkey... "More fun than a horse, Mom." (I'm year of the horse, of course. :)

Sharon said...

Love it!!! :)