Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Looking for Families!

Hey bloggy friends!
I need a favor.
Will you help me spread the word about a special need?
One of the many responsibilities that I have at Lifeline, and one that is especially important to me, is helping our social work assistance team in special cases.
As a mom who has adopted older children, I know that adoption parenting is different.
Different, and often very difficult.
These special children come to you with lots of history.  History that you were not privileged to shape.  History that is hard.  History that is not easily overcome.
It takes lots of intentional education, patience, grace, support, love and did I say... patience?
In most cases, given sufficient time to adjust, these adoptions turn into happy well adjusted families.
However, at times, even with ALL OF THIS, even with exceptional parents with the highest and most dedicated intentions, something doesn't fit.
There are situations where it is necessary to remove the child and find them a new family. A new home that is better equipped to meet their unique needs.
Thank the Lord this is not a common occurence, but when it does happen, it becomes necessary to find that child a new family.  A family who desires the challenge and feels called by God to pour into the life of a deserving child.
When Lifeline becomes aware of such a situation, we strive to help.
That's where you all come in!  My faithful Bloggy followers!
If you, or someone you know, feel called to parent children from a dissolved adoption situation, please have them contact me at my work email address:
We are developing a pool of potential Christian families who want to be considered as possible adoptive families.  The children in question are often older.
We know that these kids are often in need of something that for whatever reason, their current family is unable to offer them and so we work diligently to secure a family that can meet their needs and help them to develop into healthy, happy and productive citizens.
I appreciate your help!

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