Friday, May 6, 2011

God is good!!!!

This afternoon while I was at work, I received a phone call from our placement agency.  Our contact there said that she had some good news for us.... (Always a great way to start a new weekend..)

She said that she had applied (unbeknown to me) for a hardship grant and we were approved!  She said that the agency has a small allocation of funds for special cases where there is financial hardship and they were now able to offer us an additional grant of $2100!  This, combined with the private donation that had already been assigned to our son means that ALL of our placement agency fees will be covered!  God is so good!  He is faithful and I can't wait to share with this boy, who has likely never heard the gospel how the God of the Universe cared about him and his future.

It was a well timed reminder that, as my Mother said the other day, "We can only do our part and we have to be ok with letting God take care of the rest."  A lesson that I wonder if I will ever completely learn.  Thank you all for your prayers and for your continued support. We still have a long road ahead and more financial challenges to face before our son can come home, but I couldn't wait to share this with each of you so that you can celebrate God's goodness and provision with us.  Have a blessed weekend!

The Rylands

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