Friday, January 13, 2012

Happy Chinese New Year! (Early)

Ok, so the real Chinese New Year may not start until January 23, but here in Charleston, we are READY! 

We had the best time today celebrating the "Year of the Dragon"
with family and friends.

Of course, the moms had to get in on the fun too!

L to R: Chelsea, Jennifer, Kim, Mika, Angie, Carrie, Annie

We had the best time today!  Lots of Chinese food (of course), some homemade and some take-out.  

As you can see, there were over 20 children there, so chairs were scarce. Many chose to eat on the floor.

We enjoyed candy from China and yummy chocolate fondue with bananas and marshmallows!

We had some amazing fellowship and the cold (for Charleston) weather didn't slow the kids down at all!

After the food was cleared away, the kids went outside to play and the grownups had time to sit and share with one another. We even had some time to pray for one another and all the folks that are waiting for children.

This "adoption chat" group is growing and we feel that the Lord is really moving in amazing ways here in our local area.  We get together about twice each month for a fun time! 

We are committed to supporting one another as adoptive parents and allowing our children a time to play with one another and develop friendships with other adopted families.

 But this is also a way for others who may be curious about adoption to join us and ask whatever questions they want to about this process and the life that follows. 

We often have the opportunity to pray with and for one another which is always a very special time.  

If you are in or near the Charleston area and know someone who is interested in adoption, especially international adoption, invite them to join us sometime.  

This group of ladies and their families are very passionate about orphan care and have such a vast amount of knowledge collectively. 

They have been a fabulous support network for us over the past year. We also have some really easy and helpful resources that are available so just ask! There is never any pressure and we are VERY real. LOL!

Many thanks for our sweet friend Jennifer who hosted this large crew today. You made this a really special celebration, especially for the older adoptees who will miss New Year's in China this year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like a fun time!! We'll have to pick up some kimonos when we are in China later this year for next year's Chinese New Year shindig!!